tsurutsuru is the sound of something smooth or slippery

Made from vegan, all-natural and ethically-sourced ingredients.
Good for the body, the soul, the environment, the oceans!

Handmade in Bali.

everything BALM

i am a mosquito magnet.
you have sweet blood, is what others say.

i am also a vegan environmentalist.
so BALM was made.

90,000 IDR for 55g

A wondrous BALM that works for the whole body, tip to toe.


solid HAIR bars

i travel often.
from the highlands to the beachside.

so i also made SLS-free, reef-safe hair care.
vegan, all-natural, and super smooth!

85,000 IDR for 55g

like a super smooth soap
for your HAIR

WHY is the shampoo green?
from neem and papaya leaf: lengthening and strengthening!

hair SERUM

this was a special request.
my hair is like corn husk, is what she said.

well, not anymore.

85,000 IDR for 60ml

A hair SERUM applied post-shower, post-bath, or even post-swim.

Rich coconut and kukui oil base to lock in moisture and shine.
Silicone-free! Phalate-free! Alcohol-free! Of course!

ethically-made skincare
from the island to you

2021 © tsurutsuru. All rights reserved.

( Made with Carrd )